Beautiful sophisticated engineering

Beautiful sophisticated engineering

Glaze was founded in Reykjavík by veteran software developers hungry for turning the complex world of sales, POS and e-commerce software into a simplified, coherent and zen-like user experience.

From the very beginning we set the bar high. Our slogan from day one was "Beautiful Sophisticated Engineering". Our values from the start; Quality, Creativity and Transparency.

Glaze is our pride and joy and we love to see it out there in the world, creating value for our customers and we are especially thrilled when we see our customer's customers ecstatic over their glazed service experience!

Meet the team behind Glaze

Rósa Stefánsdóttir

Director of Marketing

Originally a designer and a web master. Later the department head in Iceland's biggest incoming travel agency, Foreman of the Icelandic Web Industry Association and the list of goes on and on. A marketing wizard and now the head of Glaze branding and storytelling.

Reynir Hauksson

Lead Frontend Developer

Wrote the record-breaking Icelandic parking app; Parka while still in high school. Has published more apps to app store than any person we know of his generation. Loves to party with his friends and return home with a warm pizza.

Arnþór Ingi Hinriksson


Runs Glaze, hates Coriander. Veteran developer and software engineering manager. Loves to walk around Berlin for days and climb the Mountain of the Wolfes (Úlfarsfell). Loves taking care of his dog. One of Glaze co-founders. Hates slow drivers in traffic. Be aware!

Aleksandar Arsovski

Chief Architect

From Macedonia. Lives in Copenhagen. Brings good weather wherever he goes. At least every time he visits Iceland we have guaranteed sunshine, lollipops and rainbows. The father of the Glaze technology stack.

Jónas Sigurðsson

Director of Product

A passionate geek, musician, artist, software developer, dreamer and a student of Zen. Sometimes realistic about the world but more often lost in the clouds. Loves to create cool stuff surrounded by amazing people. Started the whole adventure while living in Malaga some years ago.

Ionut Cristian Paraschiv

Friend of Glaze

Ionut is a developer-Ninja from Bucharest. Co-Founder at 3AngleTech our partner company since 2016. Time flies! Ionut is the answer to any truly complex engineering problem you can think of.

Jóhann Grétarsson

Senior Developer

Jóhann has more FinTech and banking software under his belt than anyone we know. You name it - he has solved it. Jóhann is also by far the best public speaker of the Glaze bunch as well as holding the lowest golf handicap. Loves his Mitsubishi Pajero. One of Glaze co-founders.

Kristinn Björgvinsson

Software Engineer

Kristinn has been with us since right out of university. Over his short career he has tackled various complex issues, ranging from payment gateway implementation to record keeping via quantum ledger database. A sharp engineer with a keen eye for detail and a passion for his work.

Ólafur Guðjónsson

Senior Developer

Veteran developer with extensive experience within the field of FinTech. Nobody loves the Icelandic National Radio (RUV 1) like Óli and nothing beats watching him code while listening to radio episodes covering the history of whale hunting and sweater knitting culture of Icelandic remote villages. A Glaze Co-Funder.

Marko Markovikj

Frontend Developer

Marko, our latest team member is from Skopje, Macedonia. An amazing talent who went from zero to pull-request in minutes and just keeps going. Marko also has a doppelganger YouTube character you should check out!

Richard Segura

Friend of Glaze

Richard is a freelance designer and a friend of Glaze who lives outside of Barcelona, one of our favourite cities in the world. He designed the initial Glaze concept, came up with the logo and laid the foundation for the overall feeling. We are great fans of his work.

Pablo Garcia Roca

Friend of Glaze

Pablo is the head of design & marketing at MobileJazz; our dear partner company in Barcelona. Pablo is the other half of the amazing designer team responsible for designing the Glaze experience.


Frontend Developer

We are looking for you.

The Zen of Glaze

“This is the real secret of life — to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.”

Alan Watts

Zen Master